Conceptual Self Portraits.

The word conceptual is something that is related to or based on something else.

  1. Academics- I took the first picture because academics is something that is extremely important to me. I was born with a really bad reading disability and every day I strive to be better, to be on top. In this photo, I want to show my hard work and dedication to my academics.
  2. Lifting- I started lifting with my dad about 3 years ago. It started out as a small hobby but now it’s so much more than that. I mainly lift to prove to myself that I am stronger than when I started. It’s also really cool to feel about my max’s.
  3. Basketball- I chose basketball to show that im not afraid of new things. This is going to be my first year ever playing basketball. I really have already fallen in love with this complex but simple sport.
  4. Tea- Lastly my Arizona tea. I love this tea so so very much. I collect cans and stack them in the corner of my room. I love this you so much I want to get my car wrapped in it. Then in the inside of the car, I want all pink. Probably will never happen but still, love this tea.